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How to use the ‘A1 Routine’ application

This darts training routine is from the famous dart book “DARTS – From beginning to End” by George Silberzahn.
Buy the book on Amazon »

The rules of the A1 practice routine is to hit the numbers 20 to 13 plus BULL, five times. When you start the application the numbers are listed with empty boxes next to. While focusing on your dart throwing technique the application handles the score and game status.
Start the application by pressing the “START GAME” button below the numbers.

The first number 20 is now being highlighted and the two buttons
HIT and MISS is added in the end of the line.

Now throw three darts for the BIG SINGLE of number 20. If you hit the number 20 with 2 or all 3 of your darts, press the HIT button.
You will then get one mark in the box next to the number 20.

If you miss all 3 darts or just hit 1 dart of the current number you press the MISS button and continue to next number.

When you’ve tried hitting all the numbers including BULL the application start over for another round. When you get 5 marks on a number, the number is closed.
The goal is to close all numbers on as few rounds as possible.

This practice routine is great to practice your groupings and make that first dart count. If you hit the number with the first dart there’s a great chance to hit it with any of the following 2 darts.

The more you use it – the more you use you will get from the statistics.

And don’t forget, tracking your practice makes it more profitable and more fun!


a1 darts practice routine