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The million dollar question: How to improve in darts as fast as possible?!
I regularly get questions like this from new members who are eager to get good enough for joining a team, playing a tournament or just humiliate their friends at next night out playing darts. “Can you look at my stats and see if I practise enough and the right games?” is also something that pops up in the mail every now and then. Let’s look at a few things that generally will be a good start for your darts career.

Play better darts - a guide for improving in darts
1 – A start for your darts career

On GoDartsPro there are members who just started playing darts after watching the World Darts Championship, wanting to be as good as Luke Littler, as fast possible. There are also members here who played at the World Darts Championship this year. So there are wide range of levels here.

When it comes to effective darts training you will get the most out of it if you practise games suitable for your current level! A good start is therefore to first figure out your own current level, to understand how to continue to practise in best possible way. Here are a few things you can start out with:

a) Play the High-Score game to evaluate your scoring power

By playing the High-Score game as evaluation, at least a few hundred darts (but better is thousands of darts, from several training sessions over a period of time of course), will provide you with your own scoring average, without any doubles involved. If you’re an absolute beginner, playing games that includes hitting doubles is not recommended at all. It can be very frustrating throwing many darts completely missing the double and it won’t do you much good. You will only lose your confidence and probably interest in darts.
By only trying to score as much as possible you will at least always get scores and being able to finish the game in reasonable time, and will slowly build up your confidence and will to improve and to practise more.

b) Play the JDC Challenge game to get your current level

The JDC Challenge game is used by the juniors playing in academies all over the world, to find out their current level. The game consists of 3 different segments:

1) Hitting targets 10-15
2) Doubles around the board
3) Hitting targets 15-20

After you finished the game you will not only get a total score, but you will also see which of the 8 levels you reached and will get an indication of your current level. Read the article about the JDC, the game and features to understand their concept with the levels.

c) Get your MICO-Factor to see your level

The MICO-Factor concept was invented by Mikko Laiho (R.I.P), who was a professional darts coach at Winmau for some of their players. Together we developed this fantastic and simple way to measure your skill level. There are 11 MICO-Factor games to choose from and the MICO-Factor range is between 0 and 40.
When you’ve played one of the games 5 times, you will get your MICO-factor for that game.
When you’ve played five MICO-Factor games, 5 times each, you will get your own personal MICO-factor.

If you are a complete beginner, some of the games in the MICO-Factor family will be tough for you, but we recommend to pick these as a start to get your initial MICO-factor: Exponential Bundle, The Three Stooges, Cricket Bundle, 11-19 Big Bundle, and Countdown 90

Hear Mikko talk about the MICO-Factor concept here!

With your current level figured out and in mind, we can continue to the next step.

Evolution in darts
2 – Set up a start for your training plan

This is a rough division of the different levels and from the results you’ve got from the games above, to give you an idea of what you should continue to practice. Remember that this is referring to an average over time (at least 10 game sessions) and not just after one game.

2a) Find your current level
Scoring average in the High-Score game:

Up to average 35 -> Novice
35 to 60 -> Intermediate
60 to 80 -> Advanced
80 to 100 -> Expert
100 and above -> Professional

Score in the JDC Challenge game:

Up to 300 -> Novice
300 to 700 -> Intermediate
700 to 1000 -> Advanced
1000 to 1250 -> Expert
1250 and above -> Professional


Up to 16 -> Novice
16 to 24 -> Intermediate
24 to 28 -> Advanced
28 to 32 -> Expert
32 and above -> Professional

Again, this is a rough division to give you an hint. And of course, you might get an average for the JDC Callenge game indicating you’re an Advanced player, yet only an Intermediate player according to the MICO-factor. That’s darts and especially when there are different types of games, with different rules and targets.
So please, don’t beat yourself up or thinking of suing me because of this…

2b) What to start training depending on your level

For all levels, I highly recommend you to visit the Support Area on GoDartsPro, where you’ll find many training articles as well as videos about the games.


I would say it is best for Novice players to continue to play different easier games to build up a confidence and to have fun. It must be good fun in the beginning, otherwise it is easy to lose focus and do something else. There is an article with games suitable for new players that I recommend you to start with.
Mix playing these with the High-Score game and the JDC Challenge game to slowly increase your average bit by bit. Play the games to the end of the month trying to get as high average as possible. Then work hard the following month to increase that average – and repeat… You can also play different FUN GAMES with your friends and family to keep up the spirit and joy with darts!
There’s also a good grouping game called A1 that can be tough to finish but will do wonders for your skills after a while. Don’t give up if you can’t finish the game in 45 minutes or so, but remember to take a short pause after each 20-30 minutes.
You could also play the Dedication game selecting different targets and see how many hits you get after 100 darts for example. This is a great game to focus on your throwing motion and to really focus on one target for many throws, to build up a solid throw.


Now you’re starting to get somewhere with your training. Now it is time to step it up.
You should definitely work with the different MICO-Factor games and play them all (except the Greenzone game which is intended for players with a special Greenzone board). Work hard to increase your MICO-factor decimal by decimal. Remember that the higher MICO-factor you get, the harder it will be to increase it. Then you can work to increase your MICO-Factor the past 30 days instead.

The MasterClass is a great concept to start using as well. There’s only one focus with the MasterClass: To finish the game in front of you, to unlock the next. Even the first game can demand a few tries before you manage to finish it so make sure to focus and work hard to finish it. Then the next one…

It is also time to start working with the Virtual Coach. Enter the initial form to give the coach information about your goals and time for practicee, and make sure to finish the initial games to give the coach enough statistics to start working for you.


Continue to practise with the Virtual Coach and try to finish the levels and games of the MasterClass.
Make sure to play the Crown Judgement game as soon as the Virtual Coach alerts you to. It is also time to work more with different Finishing games. Here’s another list with Finishing games to choose from.


Besides playing the different games in under the Advanced-section above, I also suggest you to regularly play the Mikko’s Megatrain game. That’s a great game which hopefully will give you a challenge!

3) Learn from other players

If you’re part of a darts team or club, watch the other players play and practise and don’t hesitate to ask questions. Most darts players are very positive to share their thoughts and ideas to improve. Every now and then you’ll meet someone that just say “Just throw more darts” or “I never practise, I’ve only played 501’s ” etc. But if you read a few articles on GoDartsPro you should know by now there are better ways to practise darts than that…

Check out the Public Playlists on GoDartsPro and try to find a few playlists with games that you enjoy and can add to your daily training regime. There are many good darts players on GoDartsPro who also shares their playlists and favourite games! Use them!


When it comes to darts you need to give it time. The improvement will come in different phases and sometimes it will feel like you’re going backwards in your development. Always remember, Darts is not a sprint – It is a marathon!. There are so many ways to practise darts, and even more ways people THINK is good darts training. Make sure to always look at your darts training with objective eyes. Am I doing everything to improve as fast as possible!? Remember there are also ways to make your training more challenging!

The most important thing to remember when it comes to darts and how to improve is that you must enjoy your darts! If you play games or levels that are too hard (or easy) for your current level, it will not be inspiring and fun after a few throws.
That’s why it is so important for you to first figure out your current level, and then practise the games suitable for you. If you visit different darts forums or darts groups on Facebook, and see a beginner asking for advice, more than often someone (or many) suggests to play Bob’s 27 or to just play 501’s and give it time! That is so wrong and frustrating to read. Beginners who start to play the Bob’s 27 will soon be really frustrated, loose focus, and probably inspiration to continue to play darts. That’s why it is so important for you to find fun, good training games that are intended for your level.

So whatever you do, ENJOY YOUR DARTS!

Founder of GoDartsPro

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- Anders
Founder of GoDartsPro