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Rules for TONS

TONS is a great grouping game that many well known PDC players have been using for their darts training. We've added two more levels to make is useful for more players.
You can only use the fields: 20, 19 and 18.
Standard option is to reach 21 points with as few darts as possible.

Professional level

1 point = 1 treble + 2 singles
2 point = 2 treble + 1 single
3 point = 3 trebles

Intermediate level

1 point = 3 singles
2 point = 1 treble + 2 singles
3 point = 2 trebles + 1 single or 3 trebles

Beginner level

1 point = 2 singles
2 points = 3 singles
3 points = At least 1 treble and 1 single OR 2 trebles

TONS was requested by Diogo Portela. Thanks for a great game suggestion!