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Scolia & GoDartsPro.
Your favourite training games
with auto-scoring technology.

We are happy to announce the cooperation between Scolia & GoDartsPro! This means that games on from now on will support the amazing Scolia Auto-scoring system!

More and more games on GoDartsPro will get the Scolia support, and the games that currently have the support are listed below. You just need to register your Scolia Device on GoDartsPro to unlock the functionality in the game. The supported games will automatically register your darts for easier gameplay. Check out our video on Youtube for more information.

Having problem finding your serial number for your Scolia device?

At Scolia's Frequently Asked Questions you will find information about where to find your serial number for your device.

Haven't got a Scolia-device yet?

Head over to Scolia's website and enter the code GODARTSPRO180
at the checkout and you'll get FREE SHIPPING!
(Free shipping is available in the EU and the UK. To all other countries, Scolia will add a free T-shirt)

Register a Scolia device

To unlock support for a Scolia Device on you need to register the serial number for the Scolia device here.

Check the manual/device/order from Scolia to get the Serial number.
The format should be NNNN-NNNN-NNNN (where N = alphanumeric value).

Set a name for the device

A name to easily identify the device when you have access to multiple devices.

Read more about how GoDartsPro will handle and track your darts here.


This can be used for qualifying for GoDartsPro Scolia tournaments.
You find your ID on your Scolia profile settings page.

Your saved Scolia devices
 Name Serial Status  

You hav not saved any Scolia devices yet!

Current games with Scolia support