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100 darts @20

for 100 darts @20
Rank Member Date Score
1 2023-08-01 181
2 2023-08-06 166
3 2024-01-02 163
4 2024-05-02 150
5 2023-08-27 142
6 2023-12-13 133
7 2024-04-26 131
8 2024-04-03 126
9 2023-08-30 124
10 2023-08-01 120
11 2023-09-11 114
12 2023-10-21 112
13 2023-08-03 111
14 2024-04-07 110
15 2024-01-08 109
16 2023-08-12 107
17 2023-11-10 106
18 2023-08-18 104
19 2023-08-24 103

The Challenge of 100 darts @ 20!

This game will force you to practice on your groupings and your skills off hitting many 20s and hopefully treble 20s in your game.

Keep up the hard work and enjoy your darts!

Stay safe!

GoDartsPro reserves the right to remove/hide scores that are most likely entered to cheat and the member will be contacted.