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We’re now already in the 2nd half of 2022 and now is a good time to see how your training goals for the year are going. One thing many members of GoDartsPro likes to do is to set a goal for the year how many 180’s they want to hit.
The member who’s tracked the most 180’s so far 2022 is Denmarks new top player – Andreas “Toffy94” Toft Jørgensen.
He’s already tracked 713 – 180’s on GoDartsPro for 2022 but still needs to step up to reach his goal of hitting 2000 – 180’s for the year.
Hitting 180’s is not really that important but good fun and it can be inspiring and motivating to track them and try to reach new goals every year. It is important to find your own ways to stay inspired to continue to practice hard.
I just checked my own practice. I’ve now tracked 242 – 180’s so far this year and I’m ahead to reach my goal of 400 for the year. So maybe I should just take a few weeks off from darts now…
(Note! It was a joke – I hardly can stand a few days without my darts…).
Continue to practice hard to reach your goals, nail some 180’s and make it count!
Enjoy your darts!
Founder of GoDartsPro
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