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A few members have asked me about the rules for this game and how to play the game on GoDartsPro.
I decided to record a short video to explain the details and show the gameplay of 10-20.
You need to finish the even doubles in use from 10 to 20 in the style of a -01 game. If you miss double 10 and hit single 10 instead with your first dart, you need to go for double 5 etc. If you fail to finish the double within three darts – enter 0 score.
If you hit it with your first or second dart, you’re free to score as much as you can with the remaining darts. You get 50 points for finishing the double, and all the scoring points as they are on the board (IE treble 20 = 60 p). So your max score for the one target is:
50 + 60 + 60 = 170 points.
(50 for double + T20 + T20)
Max score 6 time 170 = 1020.
Learning any darts practice game is essential. You need to know which level you’re achieving easily and which level that is your standard. Of course, best way to learn a new practice game is just playing it. Set a goal for your practice sessions and play it ten times to see what your best score will be for the session.
If you don’t practice darts every day repeat the 10-20 ten times the next time you practice day to see if you could break the records you made last time. You don’t want to grow bored with the game so after a few practice sessions like that, leave the game and practice some other game with the same intensity. When you after a few weeks or months go back to this game and try again.
If you have been practicing focused you will probably feel and see a change in the results.
You’re now learning your level in this game when you’ve done your self-assessment, which is vital to your road to pro.
Most of all, you need to feel good and having fun while practicing for the improvement to come easier.
So don’t forget to enjoy your darts!
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