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New darts training game launched - Banz's 74

What could be better to do on a Sunday than to launch another darts practicing game on!?

The Banz’s 74 practice routine is invented by a member (thanks Banz!) and I found it on the great darts forum Dartsnutz!
Since many members ask for more variations of outs training games I thought this would be a great value to the collection of apps on the website. With Banz’s permission I’ve now created an app for the routine.

Send us you favourite darts practice game that you want to add to the site.
Send us the rules and we’ll try it out.

Rules of Banz’s 74

You start with 74 points and you have the following finishes to attempt in this order:
40 – 32 – 36 – 20 – 16 – 24 – 8
The idea is that these finishes are to be played exactly as you would if you were sat on (for example) 40 in a game of 501. If you hit D20 first dart you nailed it. If you hit S1 first dart you now have 39 left to deal with with the other two darts.

If you hit the out within 3 darts the value of the out will be added to your score.
If you hit the out with your first or second dart you retrieve the darts and continue to next out with three new darts.

If you fail the value of the out will be substracted from your score.

The maximum is score is 250 which is 74 + (40+32+36+20+16+24+8).

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