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It is challenging times for all of us and it is still impossible to tell when this Corona crisis is over or at least under control. We all just need to do our best and follow the rules and the guidance the experts provides us with.
Stay updated about the Corona-Virus at the website of WHO »
Many darts players are frustrated that the tournaments and leagues are put on hold due to the Coronavirus and they are stuck in quarantine at home. I’m working hard to provide the players with new games and features to keep them inspired to practice harder.
Games are fun to play and are often very addictive, and many researchers realize that games also provide a perfect platform for tackling real-world problems. That’s one of the reasons I developed the Lockdown Challenge for GoDartsPro. I’ve seen studies and gamification added to boost cancer therapy and games designed to empower kids fighting cancer.
We all need to take the situation serious of course but i strongly believe that it is a good thing to play a fun darts training game to vent your frustration while you’re improving.
The core idea of the game is to hit the targets that are under attack and try to wipe the virus attacks away.
Only the fields with the red doubles on the board are affected (20,18,13 etc).
You reduce the attack with 3 for a treble hit, 2 for a double and 1 for a single hit. After every throw the board is attacked again and it is getting harder the longer you play.
When any field gets the attack rate 6 it is game over.
Play the different modes in the game:
– Challenge Mode
– Level 1, 2 and 3
In the Challenge mode you’ll want to keep the game running for as many throws as possible. Since the game gets tougher and tougher for every throw it is a real challenge to keep the game running.
Your pressure to hit the trebles increases with the attacks on the board.
With the options Level 1, 2 and 3 your aim is to remove the attacks completely.
You’ve won the game when there’s not attacks left.
As with many video games there’s also a BOSS MODE in this game. After a number of throws the BOSS MODE is activated and you need to hit BULLSEYE. You get 5 points for every time you hit the bullseye.
With the board under heavily attack you will need to hit at least one bullseye to feel safe to continue.
That’s the pressure we want to be prepared for the games when you need to perform under pressure to win the game.
I hope you like this game and that it will bring you some good practice during this tough time.
I also hope that you like this game’s layout, the way to track your scores and the video games features such as the BOSS MODE.
I’d like to get some feedback about this game so please send me an email or a direct message on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and tell me what you think.
Meanwhile, play the Lockdown Challenge here!
Keep on doing everything to stay safe and keep your practice inspiration at top level!
Stay updated about the Corona-Virus at the website of WHO »
Enjoy your darts!
– Anders
More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!
Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.
Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.