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Darts Battles Challenge on GoDartsPro

Our new social darts practice concepts Darts Battle and Challenge combined makes it more fun to practice and inspires you to practice more focused.

Darts Battle on GoDartsPro

The Darts Battle on GoDartsPro kicks off with the game 1001.
Each battle have 6 player spots and once you join a battle your spot is locked and you play a leg of 1001. You have one hour to finish the game before it will be treated as a walkover. The starting order for the players are random and the player that finish the leg first wins the battle.

More games will be added to the battle concept as well as an option to start private battles for only your friends to join.

Try the Battles now!

Battle game play

Play a leg of 1001 and finish with a double. Easy and fast to track your scores down to your finish.

Results of each game

When all 6 players have finished their game the results will be available. You can show the game score by score or just the final results.

Darts Battle Challenge

There are multiple Challenges available on GoDartsPro where you compete over time against thousands of other members. If you are a premium member you can play as many times as you want to and the best score will your challenge score.

With Darts Battle Challenge the results from your battles will be added to your total challenge score. If you win a battle you’ll get 5 points. If you end up as #2 you will get 3 points and if you manage to end up on 3rd place you’ll get 1 point.

My core idea with the Darts Battle and the Challenges is to make it more fun and competitive to practice darts. If these games can leave you with the feeling of:
Just one more time…
i’ve succeeded and it was worth the time developing the ideas. Give it a try now and let me know what you think.

Do you also enjoy the idea of social darts practice? I’d love to get some feedback about this. What games would you like to see featured as a battle or as a challenge?
Or do you have a new twist to it that would help you practice more?
Send me a message on Twitter, Facebook or by email and let me know your thoughts!

Take care, be kind and as always – enjoy your darts!

All the best,

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