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MasterClass – Contender Level

This is GoDartsPro Darts MasterClass!

The MasterClass concept was the reason why me and my late colleague Mikko Laiho started to work together back in 2018. He’d been working on the concept for quite a while, adding games and refining the structure for the levels. When he found GoDartsPro he thought it would be a perfect match.

One of the reasons Mikko came up with the idea of MasterClass, was that he thought there were too much focus on averages or short term statistics among many players. He wanted a training concept where you only focus on mastering one game at a time, and your only goal is to finish the current game to unlock the next.

I remember one of our many discussions about statistics after getting some requests of additional stats functions for some of the games. He said:
“Even if some players would like to compare and see if they play better on Wednesdays with smaller flights, doesn’t make it useful or make them a better player…”. He probably ended the sentence with “Perkele” too… 😉

The GoDartsPro MasterClass training concept now got three levels:
Competitor Level – 8 games
Challenger Level – 13 games
Contender Level – 19 games

How far can you go?

MasterClass – Contender Level

The third level of MasterClass – the Contender level – contains 19 games and you need to unlock them one by one.
Some games appear from the 2nd level but even harder to finish, but there’s also a bunch of new games for you to play. Games like:
HighScore x 8
Even Doubles
We Love Tops

How to use the MasterClass training concept?

Most of the games are quite demanding and will need 100% focus.
This is also the key part of the concept. Mikko wanted to create games that were challenging and would demand some effort before they were finished.
You might get frustrated the 20th time you didn’t manage to finish a game. Keep calm, stay focused, and don’t you dare to cheat to get to the next game!!!
He told me he wanted games that you would develop some kind of love/hate relation to.
Games that you hated not being able to finish but loved once they’re done and left behind.

So when you get stuck at a game, leave it for some days and practice some of the other games on GoDartsPro.
Then when you get back to the game you’ll make sure you got 100% focus to finish it. And Make It Count!

So if you haven’t yet tried the MasterClass, give it a go and start your journey to becoming a better darts player you too.
Go to GoDartsPro MasterClass now »

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+100 darts practice games

More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!

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Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.

Played darts for a while?

Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.


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