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On GoDartsPro you can connect with current friends and make new and follow their practice sessions.
For you to see that your friends are practicing hard will inspire you to practice harder yourself.
In some games (such as 501 and Cricket) you can also play against your friends.
On the Players-page you can click on each members and send a Friend request to connect with other players on GoDartsPro.
Within soon we will launch a new social practice concept on GoDartsPro that will make it more fun to practice with your friends.
So, invite your darts friends and start practicing darts harder!
More than More than 100 proper training games for you to make your darts practice fun, inspiring, interesting and addictive so you don’t even notice that you are improving!
Go to our Rookie-page to read more about how to get started and check out our Starter Pack–concept.
Get your Premium Membership to unlock the MICO-factor games now. Our MasterClass is the worlds’ first level-hopping game IRL darts, so that might be an inspiring challenge for you.