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Game On page

How to get started with GoDartsPro’s Game On page!

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Game On page

GoDartsPro is all about darts training and on the Game On page on GoDartsPro you’ll find many different games to play.
Just click on the different game images to start the game. You will then be redirected to the game where the games might have different options to choose from before you click start to kick off the training session.
Once you’ve played and finished a game, it will appear in the list of “Your latest played games” for fast access.
If you enjoyed the game you can add it to your favourite list of games.
Just click the small white square top right of every game image and it will automatically turn into a heart.

To access your favourite games list, just click the round heart symbol in the top right of the header on every page.

To the right of the game on page you’ll see a list “Find game” and a filter icon next to it.
Click the “Find game” to show a list of all the games available on this page. If you know the name, just type the first letters in the field and it will automatically filter the list.
If you click the filter icon you’ll see a small popup dialog where you can filter the page of the type and length game and the games on the page will automatically filter.

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Remember to include your username or email address used on GoDartsPro!
- Anders
Founder of GoDartsPro