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GoDartsPro Support

FAQ & Training Articles

Virtual Coach

All the premium members can use the Virtual Coach for their practice.
The Virtual Coach is not just for professional players. Even the beginners can have good fun and use with the Virtual Coach.

Click on Virtual Coach in the top menu (or the blue/pink skulle to the right in the header) to go to the Virtual Coach area.
If you haven’t yet started to use the Virtual Coach, you will first get some more information about the concept. You will then face a player form that you first need to enter.
Be honest when you’re entering your details in this form since it will be used and based for your activities with the Virtual Coach.

Once this is done you will be asked to play different tasks needs you need to achieve to start the coaching.
Click on the unfinished task to complete them one by one. Some might be a bit tough for your level, but it is all used by the Virtual Coach to understand your current level.
The Virtual Coach base its coaching and tasks based on your previous activities and results on GoDartsPro.

Once you’ve finished your required tasks you will be shown to the Virtual Coach area.
The Virtual Coach will suggests tasks with games for you to finish every day. The goals are mostly based on your statistics and previous sessions for the game.
But if you haven’t yet played the game, the Virtual Coach will compare your other stats with the thousands of members on GoDartsPro, and try to suggest a reasonable goal for you.

You’re now ready to investigate the different functions and information on the Virtual Coach area.
Check this Support FAQ for more information and please contact GoDartsPro whenever you have any questions or suggestions.

This section will be updated regularly with support content and training articles.


In the premium subscription, support is included and can be reached in different ways.
Questions, feedback or requests
If you have any questions, feeback or suggestions for improvements, either visit the GoDartsPro Facebook page, or the GoDartsPro's page on X (Twitter), and send your question as DIRECT MESSAGE there to get an answer as soon as possible.
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Remember to include your username or email address used on GoDartsPro!
- Anders
Founder of GoDartsPro