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GoDartsPro Support

FAQ & Training Articles

Profile page

What’s the profile page?

The profile page is the center of your member account on GoDartspro.
On the top of your page you will have an introduction to you as a player and summary of your activities on GoDartsPro so far.

Enter your details, select your flag for the leaderboards and upload a photo of you as a player (easiest to do on a computer).

In the summary section you can see how many sessions you’ve played on GoDartsPro and a graph of your latest 30 days training.
To the right you will see your 180’s tracked during the year and the past 30 days.
More and more games on GoDartsPro adds the 180’s to your register automatically when you’ve tracked the darts hitting a 180.
But if it isn’t added automatically or you hit a 180 during a game outside GoDartsPro or during a tournament, visit the profile page and click the + sign to add it manually.

You also have a section of your activities with the Virtual Coach as well as your current level in the MasterClass concept.
Just click on the different labels and stats and the page will take you there.

Click on MORE STATS to go to your training log where you’ll see your training sessions for the month or the year.

This section will be updated regularly with support content and training articles.


In the premium subscription, support is included and can be reached in different ways.
Questions, feedback or requests
If you have any questions, feeback or suggestions for improvements, either visit the GoDartsPro Facebook page, or the GoDartsPro's page on X (Twitter), and send your question as DIRECT MESSAGE there to get an answer as soon as possible.
Or click here to send an email for support »
Remember to include your username or email address used on GoDartsPro!
- Anders
Founder of GoDartsPro